Denaby Main Church Sunday School Festival.

September 1891

Mexborough & Swinton Times – Friday 18 September 1891

Denaby Main Church Sunday School Festival.

On Sunday, September 13th. the first festival rervices in connection with the Sunday schools since the separation of the district from Mexborough and Conisborough. took place at Denaby. Considerable interest was shown in the proceedings by some prominent church workers, if we may judge from the church-like appearance the schoolroom where divine service on Sundays is conducted, presented. They were aided in this work by the erection of a large platform and gallery for the accommodation of the choir, orchestra and a number of Sunday school children. This was erected by workmen from the colliery.

Special thanks are due to Messrs . J. Hobson and E. Roberts for the voluntary help given in the way of adorning the room with Sunday school banners, flags, also to Conisbrough church friends for the loan of banners, some of which were carried in procession by the choir boys. A large text, consisting of a red ground with white letters, and executed by Mr. F. J. Hughes, was suspended from the roof, the words being those of the Saviour, “Suffer little children to unto Me.” A new temporary pulpit was used on Sunday for the first time, which was drapes with a fall and the reading desk with hanging executed by Mrs. Dickens, an old and valued church worker.

Sweet musical strains were produced from the harmonium by Mr. J K Beardsley, together with four violins, cornet, clarinet, and double bass, which were manipulated by Messrs. W. H. Chambers and M. Soar, aided by some kind help from Mexborough friends which combined to give lustre to the day’s proceedings.

The services consistent of a celebration of the Holy Eucharist at 7.30 a.m, the celebrant being the Rev. W. H. Butler curated in charge, who also conducted matins and litany and preached from 2nd Kings. 22nd chpt 1 and 1 versus. The lessons were read by Mr. Jasper Hawkins, of Sheffield. The preacher instanced the Reformation as effected by King Josiah to be an apt type of what night be said to be the work of the church in Denaby Main, and particularly in to the Sunday school.

The Rev E. M. Evans. M.A., vicar of Ilkeston, with whom the curate in charge formerly worked, preached in the evening at 630, and gave an address to children at 3 o’clock.

The evening’s discourse was an eloquent and forcible exposition of the words in Ezra 8 ch. 21v “to reek of Him a right way for us and for our little ones It was an exhortation to parents to the mode of correcting their children with gentle firmness, and a study their individual characters, and not too carelessly and over-harshly, as was often the case.

Sunday school teachers were reminded the great and important work they undertook, and to seek of a right way in the work and do it for Him, and not to be dependent so much upon outside pressure or encouragement from their fellow creatures. A large congregation of grown-up persons assembled as well as children, the latter being for the most part accommodated on the gallery, and all joined apparently in spirit with the service.

The choir and friends from Mexborough deserve especial congratulations, as also dismissed J Hoyle, the conductor of the choir. A more successful service was rendered, which must give impetus to the revised church life in this place.

No doubt coming just after the recent holidays the collections were affected and were not quite satisfactory, and further donations will be most helpful, and will be thankfully received and acknowledged by the curate in charge.