Denaby Main Co-operative Society

November 1892

Mexborough & Swinton Times – Friday 04 November 1892

Denaby Main Co-operative Society

On Saturday, the 26th quarterly meeting was held.

Mr W.H. Chambers presided,

The report showed the sales for the quarter £2,842 5s 1d, an increase of £145. The profits to be disposed of are £600 13s 11d. This enables a dividend of 4s 9d in the £ to be declared, £26 18s 9d being carried forward.

The Chairman highly commended the members on the financial position of their society. He said although they had only a share capital of £2,000, they had a reserve fund of £260, and an educational fund of £44, they had invested in good security upwards of £2300 at 5 percent, besides a balance in the bank of about £300.

He also stated that the committee had made arrangements with the Postmaster General for Telegraph office at the stores, which would be opened in due course for the convenience of the 4,000 inhabitants of this populous mining village.

Mr W Terry and Mr I Blunt were re-elected on the committee