Sheffield Independent – Monday 27 January 1890
Denaby Main Co-Operative Society.
The quarterly meeting of the above was held in the New School, Denaby Main, on Saturday night.
Mr. W. H. Chambers presided.
The balance-sheet showed that the sales for the quarter were £1,483, an increase over the last quarter of £282. and over the corresponding quarter of last year of £402.
After paying interest on capital, depreciation of fixed stock, and all working expenditure the profits made allow a dividend of 3s. 6d. in the £. £62. 10s being carried forward to the next quarter.
It was resolved to take up further shares in the Co-operative Wholesale Society, at Manchester, to £100.
A lengthy discussion then took place as to the state of the highway from Denaby to Conisbro’. It was stated that the passenger traffic per diem was upwards of 2000, and no footpath at present existed, and that the road was continually several inches deep in mud and water, the distance complained of being about a mile.
The committee reported that they had instructed their secretary to write the surveyor of the Doncaster Highway Board, drawing his attention to the matter, but nothing satisfactory had yet been received, it -was resolved to forward the correspondence to the clerk, Mr. F. E. Nicholson, asking him to bring it before his board. Failing in this, the committee were empowered to obtain legal assistance.
Messrs. J. Rose, B. Wright (committee), F. J. Hughes (auditor) were re-elected.