Mexborough and Swinton Times May 4, 1888
Denaby Main Cricket Club Concert
This flourishing club held, a concert in the Schoolroom at Densby Main on Monday evening, which:was successful both in point of attendance and also as to the quality of the musical fare provided.
In the unavoidable absence of Mr. W.’ H. Chambers, the manager of the colliery, a gentleman who takes a lively interest in the welfare of ‘the club, the chair was occupied by Mr. R. Gascoyne, who ably fulfilled the duties that fell to his lot. In his opening address he complimented the audience on their numbers, and promised for them a considerable musical treat. ,The first part of the ‘Programme would consist of a service of song, entitled ” The musical emigrants.”
Dr. Sykes, of Mexborough’—(oheers)— who would give the connective readings, had rendered that service before, and they, could rest assured that it would notbe from any lack of effort on his part if they did not enjoy the entertainment. (Hear, hear.)
” The, musical emigrants” is a service of song which describes in a series of prettily constructed choruses and very effective solos, interspersed with readings highly illustrative of the subject, the emigration of a party of Sussex men who, through correspondence with a gentleman connected with the Scottish Free Church Mission Settlement on the Lake Nyasse, had formed a resolution to establish a settlement in, that little-known district,
The various solos and choruses very appropriately describe the preparations of the emigrants and the progress of their voyage to Quilimsne, near the mouth of the Zambezi, from whence further headway was May 2 the Nyassa Lake, and onward to their destination. The rest of the service is devoted to a, very-vivid description of the life that was led by the emigrants in their settlement, surrounded by the uncivilised natives. Dr. Sykes was loudly cheered on reading the concluding line of the service,
“We love Africa-, but shall we, can we—forget old England? Never I
Too much praise cannot be awarded to those who took part. The vocalists consisting, as they did, of so many young girls, showed a surprising familiarity with the unt43, the choruses being a feature of the-pieces.
The instrumentalist acquitted themselves in a highly creditable manner, under the leadership of Mr Moses Soar
The following are the principal who took part in this, the first instalment, of, the programme:—
Vocalists, Mr. J. Hives (Mexborough), Mr. A. Long, (Mexborough), Mr. W. Butler (Mexborough), My. G. Piling (Mexboro’), Mr. Bentley (Denaby). Miss Blakeley (Conisbrough), Mrs. it is in any meaning men Webb, and Misses Clara and Gentle Soar, etc
The instrumentalist were as follows :—Piano, Miss Flockton and. Mr. James Beardsley; .conductor and first violin, Mr. Moses Soar; first ‘violins, Mr. A. Firth, Mr. W. Smithson, and Mr W. Johnson; second violins Mr Crosland (Mexborough) and Mr Hardon (Swinton), violin and cello, Mr Crosland (Mexborough); cello, Mr Corbridge (Mexborough)
At the conclusion of the first. part, which was vociferously applauded throughout, Mr. Gascoyne remarked that the expectations of a musical treat which he had held out to them had by no means bean falsified—(hear, hear)– he added that the success of the service had been considerably enhanced by the fact that Dr. Sykes had displayed- in reading. (Heir, hear.)
An interval then took place, and afterwards the miscellaneous portion of the programme was proceeded with, in the following order:—
Violin solo, ” Life let us cherish,’ Mr. A. Firth; recitation (comic), “T’weddin’ neet,” Mr. George Pilling; comic song, Mr. Albert Long ; song, ” A ‘Winter’s story,” Miss Blakeley; violin solo, ” The gipsy’s dines’ Mr. Moira Soar ; recitation,-“‘Labra;” Mr. G. Pilling ; song, “Gates of the West,” Miss Blakeley ; violin solo, “My love is but a lassie yet,” Mr. M. Soar.
Each of these pieces was favourably received, Miss Blakeley and Mr. Son especially coming in for special recognition.
At the, close of the proceedings a hearty vote of thanks was accorded ‘the ladies and gentlemen of the district who had kindly given their services ; a similar vote was passed to Dr. Sykes. The chairman also crane in fora like complement and he having acknowledged it, the proceedings terminated by the singing of the National anthem.
It is expected a nice little sum will be added to the funds of the cricket club.
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