Denaby Main Dispute – A Difficult Problem

August 1935

South Yorkshire Times August 2, 1935

Denaby Main Dispute
A Difficult Problem

Although work has been resumed at Denaby Main colliery, a grievance which gave rise to the recent strike remains, and the position is still unsatisfactory.

Under the quota system it is necessary to cut out a number of coal winding shifts, but though no coal is being drawn the work of coal getting has to go one (the management contend), otherwise there would be a shortage of call when the pit was ready to wind again, and therefore a number of coal getters are required for duty on what are called non-winding shifts.

This arrangement affects the men prejudicially so far as unemployment benefit is concerned, and they therefore take exception to it. They have been pressing the management to dispense with coal getting during these shifts in order that the men who would otherwise be called upon may not be placed in a worse position through working than “playing.”

With every desire to accommodate the men in this matter, the management are in an obvious difficulty, for if they have necessary work to offer they cannot, without contravening the act, certify that they have not. A similar difficulty, we understand, arose at the Cadeby colliery a short time ago, and was referred to the Court of Referees, with what result is not yet known.

Last Sunday the Denaby Main branch decided that the men should not go to work on non-winding shifts, and on Tuesday this decision was carried into effect.