Mexborough & Swinton Times – Friday 21 November 1890
Denaby Main Institute Brass Band Concert.
A concert was given by the band on Monday evening, in the new schoolroom, Denaby, which was kindly lent for the occasion by the managers.
Since the band was started about a year ago it has grown in popularity with the residents at CouldDenaby and consequently, noise were surprised to see the room crowded, there being between and 600 present.
The opening piece was a fantasia, ”The Fairy queen ” performed by the band. Though leaving something to be desired in the way of time, it was a performance which reflected great credit upon the conductor, Mr. Soar, who given much time and trouble to his work, and been ably seconded by the members. Later on in the evening, two other pieces were performed, “ Nil Desperandum” and ” The Golden Beehive,” in each of which the band did good work.
The next item on the programme was a song entitled, “Dearest love” which was very nicely rendered by Miss Holmes (Mexborough).
Mr Crompton (Mexburough) gave two humorous readings, entitled, “I vant deux fly,” and ” Vat you please,” in his own inimitable style.
The star of the evening was undoubtedly Miss Pattie Cuttle, who received a rapturous encore for her rendering of the familiar song, “Bid me discourse.” Later on this young lady sang “ Love’s golden dream,” and had not the evening been drawing to a close, would certainly have received another recall. There is no doubt that Miss Cuttle is fast growing into favour with the concert going public ; her voice very rich, and has evidently received the most careful treatment at the hands of her instructress, Miss Brook, of Barnsley.
Following Miss Cuttle’s first song, Master Trout, of Conisburough, played a cornet solo, entitled, “My pretty Jane. This young gentleman is a clever player, and bids fair to wake a name in the future.
In the unavoidable absence of Mr. G. T. Addy, Mr. Mawson sang “The distant shore,” and The Bay of Biscay,” both being excellently rendered.
Mr. Roper gave a very tasteful rendering of ”Alice, where art thou ? ” and “Bonny Mary of Argyle.”
The comic element was taken by Messrs. Peverelli, Elliott, and George Schofield, the former of whom sang, ” Humours of a country fair,” and “The hard-up brigade.” Mr Elliott gave a parody on the once popular “White wings,’ for which he received an encore, and sang in a duet entitled. ” The upper ten and lower five,” with Mr. Geo. Schofield.
We are pleased to say that the concert was a great success in every way. The proceeds were devoted to the clearing off of the debt owing for the instruments, and, as only £10 was needed, no doubt this was done.
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