Denaby Main Miners

April 1890

Sheffield Independent – Friday 25 April 1890

Denaby Main Miners

Last night a largely-attended meeting of the Denaby Main miners was held at the Mason’s Arms, Mexbro’.

The chairman stated that no further interview had taken place on the price list, bat that the whole case would receive the consideration of the district in a few days.

They strongly advocate that they should be put on a par with the neighbouring collieries, and urge the district to try to get this accomplished. They resolved to continue their support to the potters and stove-grate workers until a settlement is affected.

Several of the surface men complained of the treatment they were receiving from the management. They contended it was because they were members of the miners’ union, and were determined to have what the Federations agreed upon in reference to the last percentage.

They appointed a deputation to wait upon the manager on the matter with a view to getting it put right.