Denaby Main Rifle Club

May 1905

Mexborough and Swinton Times May 6, 1905

Denaby Main Rifle Club

Great improvements have been made in the miniature range during the past year. New targets have been erected to meet the needs of the larger increased membership, and the club can now use six targets (three for 100 yards and three for 50 yards range) simultaneously. Keen interest are been taken, both by the old and new members, in the monthly member’s Competition.

Members have been divided into three classes to facilitate handicapping, as separate prizes are awarded for each class.

The silver spoon in the first class was won by Mr R Lapidge, with 61 points out of a possible 70, and 10 points added, making total of 71.

The second clasp boom was won by Mr W Mosby, with a score of 50 out of the possible 70 and nine points added, making total of 59.

For the third class, which contains all new members, the silver medal, and also a special silver spoon, presented by Mr H.L.Smethurst, were won by Mr G.W.Goodwin.

57 members took part in the competition.

A matter has been arranged with the newly formed club at Wombwell, to be shot at Denaby on May 13 and competition for places in the team (12 aside) will take place on Saturday May 6th.


It has been agreed that Denaby shall be represented by a “reserve” are second team, and therefore the eight members who made the highest average scores in matches last year will be excluded, these being Messrs Hulse, Barnard, French, Smethurst, Brearley, Whitty, E Harrison and Carnelly.