Denaby Man Injured at Doncaster

May 1892

Mexborough & Swinton Times – Friday 27 May 1892

A Denaby Man Injured at Doncaster

On Monday, at the Doncaster Borough Police Court, before the Mayor and other magistrates, Con Hertnett, John Buckley, and Herbert Lindley, living in the borough, were charged with having driven furiously.

Mr. Baddeiley appeared for the defence.

The evidence showed that a horse and trap were being driven, as described, down Frenchgate on Saturday week, and that a man, named Henry Joyce, a Denaby miner, was knocked down and had one of his legs broken. He was taken to the Doncaster Infirmary.

Detective-inspector Bunney deposed to having warned the mem about the furious driving, and Alfred Gee spoke to seeing the Denaby miner knocked down. He said it had been remarked that the driver must drunk or mad. Lindley was discharged, it being explained that he had spoken to Hertnett about the way he was managing the horse, and that he himself took charge of the reins and the whip.

Mr. Baddiley contended that the defendant Buckley ought to be discharged, as he had nothing to do with the driving.

Ald. Bentley: But he did not attempt to stop it.

The Mayor raid the magistrates were the chairman to do their best to atop this kind of reckless  driving.

Lindley was fined £2 and costs, and Buckley 10s. and costs, the former one month in gaol in default, and the latter for seven days.