Denaby Miners’ Levy for £3,500 War Memorial.

May 1920

Sheffield Daily Telegraph – Saturday 08 May 1920

Denaby Miners’ Levy for £3,500 War Memorial.

Good progress is being made with the scheme to provide a war memorial for Denaby Main. It is understood that the workers at the Denaby and Cadeby Collieries have decided to levy themselves at the rate of ten shillings each man and five shillings each boy, while the Colliery Company and other important firms in the district have promised to give their full support to the scheme.

The proposal which is now before the committee, and which appears to be greatly favoured, is to acquire a plot of two acres of land which fronts the main road, and lay it out as a public park and recreation ground. At the entrance there would be erected a decorative arch, bearing the names of all those connected with the village, who served and fell in the war.

The estimated cost of the scheme is £3,500, and the levy at the two collieries would realise about £2,000. The question of contributing from the balance of the Denaby Main Relief Fund £200 to the Denaby Memorial, and, in recognition of the Denaby arid Cadeby soldier workmen who resided at Mexborough, £17O to the Mexborough War Memorial, is being considered.