Denaby Miner’s Project – New System of Coal Carting

March 1919

Mexborough and Swinton Times April 12, 1919

Denaby Miners Project
New System of Coal Carting

In connection with the carting of the Miner’s coal from the Denaby and Cadeby Main collieries, considerable dissatisfaction has been felt for a long time, and recently the company and the local branches of the Y.M.A. have embarked on a new venture, which it is expected will solve what has long proved a troublesome problem.

The colliery company have in the past been supplying coal at 1/6 ( 7 ½ p) a ton to men living in the company´s houses, and at 3/- (15 p) a ton in other cases. The men have had to pay for the costs of carting, and as the company would not accept responsibility for delivery the men made private arrangements with local carters. Convinced that they were being charged excessive prices, the men expressed a great deal of discontentment with this arrangement, and have now hit upon the happy idea of arranging to do all their own carting.

For the purpose of purchasing the necessary horses and carts, the company have advanced a sufficient sum of money, and have agreed to supply call to all their workmen, whether they live in the company´s houses are not, at a fixed sum of 1/6 per ton.

14 Carters, and about 12 horses and carts, or to be employed on the work, and the repayment to the colliery company, who are financing the scheme, is carried out by a stoppage of 6d per month from the men´s wages. The scheme is in the hands of what is termed the Denaby and Cadeby Home Carting committee, composed of Messrs T.Hill (president), W.L.Worsley (secretary), J.Doranopen (treasurer), G.Smith, and G.Starr.

The experiment, concerning which the most sanguine expectations are held, will undoubtedly be watched by collieries in the district, and, if successful, may be widely adopted.

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