Denaby News – Hancock Denaby Born – Warning for Coal Thefts

March 1935

South Yorkshire Times March 8, 1935

Denaby Born

Sheffield papers this week in their reports of the brilliant play of Hancock, the footballer, stated that he was born in Chesterfield.

Hancock was born in Ravenfield Street, Denaby Main. He figured very prominently last Saturday the Burnley team against Birmingham, in obtaining a brilliant winning goal, and was “chaired” off the field by his comrades at the close of play.

He is the son of Jim Hancock a great Denaby football stalwart, both player and official and at one time goalkeeper for Chesterfield.

A Warning

When Joseph William Clarke (28), miner, Denaby was charged with two Edlington men Roy Farmery (28) miner, and Archibald Booth (30), labourer, at Doncaster on Saturday we having stoilen coal from Yorkshire Main, Edlington, it was stated that the colliery company did not wish to press the case, which had been brought as a warning. These men were seen by PC Dale at 7:30 PM on Sunday, February 24, wheeling bicycles, each with two sacks of coal taken from the colliery sidings.

Clark said he was out of work and could not afford to buy coal and the other two pleaded that they had children.

They were all bound over.