Mexborough & Swinton Times – Saturday 06 August 1910
Denaby Notes
Bank Holiday this year was regarded as a holiday by a large number of residents and there was a general exodus of people to the seaside. Many also went to the various annual shows in the vicinity. Barnsley and Tickhill claiming the most patronage.
Once again has our local club proved their superiority over their colleague, by winning the games with Mitchell’s Main and Swinton during the week. We may rest assured that unless something quite unexpected turns up, the championship of the Mexborough ‘and District League will rest at Denby this year.
They have undoubtedly deserved the honours. Everyone will say that the best thanks are due to the captain, Mr. C. Bury, and his men for their splendid work this season.
A painful sensation was cause in the village on Tuesday morning when the news became known that a man had been found in the canal at the back of Kilner’s Glass Works It was found to be R. Lawrence, Main Street, Denby Main, who has not been in the best of health for a long time, the body was removed and an inquest was held on Wednesday. Much sympathy is expressed for the family of the unfortunate man.
Salvation Army
The local corps have been holding special meeting this week. Lieut.-Col. Emerson, from headquarters at London conducted the services, one of which was held in the Large Hall on Sunday night when the place was packed.
A lecture was given in the Wesleyan Chapel on Monday night, when there was a large attendance.
Local Successes
Congratulations to two of our local deputies at the Cadeby Collieries on their success at the recent examination for colliery managers’ certificates held at Leeds in June. We refer to Mr. W. Kirkham, who obtained his first class, and Mr .E. Ross, who obtained a second class.
The time is fast approaching when the football season will commence, and the new managers of the Denaby club are busy getting the team together. We have it on good authority that Denaby intend to have a very sound team. They have signed several gold players on, and more will be said of them in the next week or two. Meanwhile, everybody is looking forward to a more successful season.