Denaby Notes – Cruelty Warning – Till the Races – Back from Canada – Harvest Festivals

September 1908

Mexborough and Swinton Times September 12, 1908

Denaby Notes

Cruelty warning

A pony driver named H Lee, employed at the Cadeby Colliery, was on Saturday sentenced to one months imprisonment for cruelty to a pony. We are sure that the punishment meted out to him will act as a warning to other lads.

To the races

Once again is the well-known season amongst us, and from early morning till night the roads between Denaby and Conisbrough are strong with all kinds of vehicular traffic, from the old-fashioned donkey and cart to the palatial motorcar and motor omnibus, going to and from the races.

Back from Canada

We are very sorry to hear that Mr Wheeliker, who, it will be remembered, left Denaby are short time ago to take up this abode in Canada, as had to return to England, the authorities at the other end refusing to allow him to land with his son, who is deformed and unable to work; and what is more, his wife and other children have landed, and will, therefore have to return. This is a surprise to many, when we consider the type of humanity that are being continually allowed to settle in England. We are sorry for the family, who will have been put to a large expense for a fruitless journey.

Harvest Festivals

The season of harvest festivals is once more amongst us, and for several Sundays the well-known hymn, “All is safely gathered in,” will be sung. One is surprised at the laxity of the farmers in this district at their delay in getting their harvest home, and we are not at all sure that they deserved any sympathy when the bad weather sets in.