Mexborough & Swinton Times, September 1, 1906
Denaby Notes.
Formation of Boy’s Brigade
The references I made in my notes last week in regard to the improvement of the usual routine of our village life, have evidently been read in earnest by not a few of the readers of this paper, and several of them have duly expressed themselves as satisfied with the results; but I make this appeal to them not to let the matter rest by just approving of it, but to come to the fore and help to forward the interests of the objects I mentioned last week. In regard to the enquiries of several of the parents as to what to do with the younger boys, I may say that Mr. H. S. Witty and several other gentlemen have taken the matter in hand, and the result is the formation of the Boys’ Brigade, which will, I am sure, be just the thing for the anxious parents in regard to the boys, for in connection with this there is to be a kind of Institute, where the boys can have recreation and games, as well as discipline and drills. They are at present meeting in the Rossington Street Schools.
The school have now been closed for the holiday vacations, and several of the Sunday Schools are taking advantage of it by arranging their annual excursions to various holiday resorts, and on Monday, the patter of the children’s feet was heard almost before day-light, for they were going to the seaside, and the appearance on the platform of the station of the youngsters with bucket and spade, all impatient for the arrival of the train which was to convey them to the Mecca of their dreams of a year. But what a change on their arrival home again, tired out, weary and stained with the sand on their once clean white dresses and knickers, but who can blame them as they trudge home again with pebbles and shells from the seaside, which to them are more precious than diamonds and sapphires.
Yet we must not forget that the best thanks must be given to the teachers for their willing self-denial in looking after the little ones, and one was heard to remark that it was the hardest day’s work he had done in a year.