Mexborough and Swinton Times December 16, 1905
Denaby Notes
Denaby Main Institute
We have in previous issues alluded to the higher class character of some of the papers that have been read in connection with the Educational Conference, at the above Institute, and the paper read last Friday night by Mr. T. W. Mosby was no exception to the general rule.
Mr. Mosby took for his subject “History,” and dealt with in such a marked degree of skill as to surprise and delight his hearers.
Mr A. Brealey , who has been under manager at Cadeby Main for a number of years severed his connection at the colliery on Saturday last.
On Monday he journeyed to Warsop Main, where he takes the position of manager.
Mr S Bridges has been appointed as his successor at the Cadeby colliery.
The new under manager is a native of Rotherham, being for a number of years in the service of John Brown and Sons, leaving that firm to take up a position in Leicestershire, and from there to a position Lancashire. He came to the Cadeby colliery as under manager on the afternoon shift about 18 months ago, so that he is well-known both to his officials and workmen.
Denaby Football Club.
The local team no longer enjoyed the proud distinction of being unbeaten in the Midland league, losing that position by their defeat at the hands of Grimsby on Saturday. Many of the club’s warmest supporters are condemning the action of the committee in allowing some of the players to work extra time the pit in a week in which they had to play two matches against clubs such as Notts and Grimsby.
If our information be correct, some of the players worked 1 ½ shifts on Tuesday and Wednesday, played football on the Thursday, worked 1 ½ shifts on the Friday, and played football on the Saturday.
If the committee think to allow this and yet gain a high place in football, they will be doomed to disappoint. Surely the players might be recompensed for the loss of a shift, without having to put in extra time at the pit to make lost time up ?