Mexborough and Swinton Times May 5, 1906
Denaby Notes
The members of the Rifle Club paid a visit to the Dore and District Rifle Club to shoot a match on the home team’s range at Totley, and the same resulted in a victory for the Denaby team with 19 points, for whom the chief scorer was Mr H.S. Witty, the captain of the team.
The result came as a surprise to the home team, who never expected to be beaten. The result reflects great credit on the victors, despite the climatic conditions, which render good shooting out of the question.
The Denaby team are due to shoot the Sheffield and District Club at Robin Hoods Range on Saturday, when I’m looking forward to the same success as last week.
The members of the mining classes connect with the Rotherham School of Art paid a visit to the Cadeby Colliery last Saturday, and, under the guidance of Mr SJ Bridges, the respected and assumed under manager of the Cadeby Colliery, made a tour of inspection of the surface, and later, descending the pit, visited the workings.
The students were extremely pleased with everything they saw, many of them for the first time seeing the modern requirements of a large colliery, and on leaving express their thanks to the management for their kind attention.
May Day this year passed off very quietly in this district, and it is much to be deplored that this all-time custom is dying out, as it used to be sought very much about, when the children used to gather together on the village greens and appoint their May Queen, afterwards taking part in the games and dancing round the Maypole.