Denaby Notes – Whist Drive, Cricket Club AGM, Billiards and Draughts and United

March 1905

Mexborough & Swinton Times. March 4th, 1095.

Denaby Notes

Whist Drive, Cricket Club AGM, Billiards and Draughts and United

On Thursday, in the schoolroom at Old Denaby, a whist drive was promoted by the residents and a few friends, and afterwards a coffee supper was held. The first prize was won by Miss Mason on the ladies’ side, and the gent’s by Mr. H. Rose, a very pleasant and enjoyable evening being spent. The drive was formed by Mrs. Scott and others.

The annual general meeting of the Denaby Cricket Club was held on Friday evening, and betokened a successful season.

James Saunders, a labourer employed at the Cadeby Colliery, had the misfortune on Wednesday to have part of his left hand taken off.

A party of members from the Denaby Main Institute journeyed to Wath on Saturday to play their return match of billiards and draughts, and were beaten at both games.

Billiards: -Denaby: J. Beal 40, Joe Hughes 97, E. Ward 100, G. Gough 100, W Astbury 100, W. Bidson 90, A. Robinson 62, J. G. Barry 62, J. W. Milner 94, R. Snow 66, W. Bell 40, T. Bolt 81, total 932. Wath:H. Ashton 100, T. Townsend 100, W. Jaques 63, A. Stacey 31, W. kelly 87, H. Thorpe 100, J. Makin 100, F. Wooding 100, total 1081.

Draughts: – Denaby: H. Hale 1, J. Beal 1, Cooper lost 3, Millard 1, W. Bell 1, R. Snow 1, A Robinson lost 3, total 5. Wath: G. Johnson 2, B. Jones 3, A. Volans 2, A. Davies 2, J. Makin 2, H. Hallatt 3, total 14.

On Saturday our footballers journey to Newark, when I hope they will gain a point or two in the Midland League.
I am sorry to announce an accident which befell a miner named J. Newton, Don Road whilst following his employment at the Cadeby Colliery by having his leg broken in two places.

A correspondent writes: – On Saturday I noticed a marked improvement in the attendance to watch the magnificent display of the local team in their match against Rotherham Town. It was highly gratifying to one who has had the pleasure of watching every home match to notice that they have so ably earned, but which up to the present has not been accorded them, and which they so thoroughly deserve.