Denaby Pit Presentation

May 1950

South Yorkshire Times May 13, 1950

Denaby Pit Presentation

At a gathering of the weigh office staff of Denaby Main Colliery (yesterday) a presentation was made to mark the retirement after 52 year’s service to Denaby and Cadeby Main Collieries of Mr. William Thornton, Chaucer Road, Mexborough.

Mr. Thornton commenced work In the weigh office at Denaby on September 1st, 1897, and during his service has worked at Denaby weigh office, Cadeby weigh office, and has acted as Landsale agent at the Hull offices of the late Denaby Company.

While he was at Hull he was a member of Hull City Football Club, and later assisted Mexborough and Denaby United.

Coun. A.C. Rowson, head weighman at Denaby Colliery, making the presentation, congratulated Mr. Thornton on his long service, and trusted that he would live to enjoy his well-earned retirement. Mr. J. Kate supported Mr. Rowson and Mr B. Reynolds congratulated Mr. Thornton on behalf of the traffic department.