Denaby Pit Strike Threat – Unless Baths Scheme Goes Forward

July 1946

South Yorkshire Times, July 6th, 1946

Denaby Pit Strike Threat.
Unless Baths Scheme Goes Forward.

Miners at Denaby Main Colliery are, through the pit branch of the National Union of Mineworkers, threatening to give notice to cease work unless immediate steps are taken to recommence work on completing the pithead baths for the 2,500 employees at the colliery.

Coun. J. T. E. Collins, branch secretary, told a ‘South Yorkshire Tomes’ reporter on Monday, that the branch had reached this decision at a meeting at the Reresby Arms Hotel, Denaby, on the previous day. Every effort had been made by the branch and its officials to get work re-started, but they had not been successful. ‘We were informed,’ Mr. Collins added, ‘that Denaby pithead baths would be the first to be completed after the war, but we are still waiting. Mr. Joseph Hall, general secretary of the Yorkshire area has also done everything he can. He has been to London to interview the officials of the Miners’ Welfare Commission, with a view to getting something done, and I have now been instructed to communicate with Mr. Shinwell, the Minister of Mines, and acquaint him with our feelings in the matter.’

Only the shell of the building has been completed; this was erected in 1939 at the rear of the colliery manager’s office, but before the building could be fully completed was was declared and during the war the premises were adapted for use as an arms establishment for Messrs Edgar Allen and Co., Ltd., of Sheffield. Messrs. Allen’s equipment has been removed some time now, and it is understood by the miners that a de-requisitioning Order is now being awaited from the Ministry of Supply.