Leeds Mercury – Monday 02 January 1939
Denaby Reply to Inquest Criticism
Denaby Main Branch of the Yorkshire Miners’ Association have considered the suggestions at a Swinton inquest that a Denaby colliery worker who died at his home after lying there paralysed as the result of a fractured spine was not in a fit state to be sent out of Fullerton Hospital, Denaby, six months earlier.
The man, Edward Humphries (46), of Hlghwoods Mexborough, was stated have suffered excruciating pain. An inquest report was submitted by Mr. J. T. E. Collins, the branch secretary, and members declared they found that everything that could done at the hospital for Humphries was done.
The hospital is owned jointly by the local colliery management and the miners, and Mr. Collins told The Leeds Mercury to-night that the branch had five members on tne hospital board of management.
Humphries remained in the Fullerton Hospital 84 weeks.