A year of progress.
The annual meeting of the Denaby rifle club was held in the Pavilion on Saturday. Mr WH Chambers presided and the members present were messes Barnard, Phillips, Edlington, French, Smith, Robinson and Starr; with the secretary, Mr WV Simpkins.
The secretary presented the statement of accounts, which showed that the income for the year was £47 17s 8d. After all claims had been settled, the club had a balance of £3 1s 11d with which to commence next season. – The report was accepted
Territorial migration
Arising out of the minutes, a member asked if the County Association had paid the five pounds which was due from them as rent for the use of the club shooting range by the local territorials.
The secretary replied that the association paid three pounds and a contract had been signed by which they agreed to pay one pound a year for the future use of the range.
Mr Chambers thought the terms were very satisfactory, although he was afraid that the tendency was for the territorials to practice at Doncaster.
The secretary reported an interview he had had with the territorial instructor, who said that new arrangements would be made, by which the territorials will be offered facilities for practice on the Doncaster range.
The discussion then closed.
Member´s marksmanship.
The following medallions and certificates were presented by the President, the highest possible score in each case being 300:
Donegal badge: FB Banham 291
SM RC medal:S Pearson 290
The `Bell´ medal: F French 289.
`Express´ medal: WV Simpkins 291
Skilled shot certificates: FB Banham 291, F Pearson 290, R Trout 283.
Rifleman certificates: R Earnshaw 269, J Hill 261, C Wheelicor 259.
It is interesting to note that Mr WV Simpson is now the possessor of all the trophies which are attainable by the civilian Rifleman. The Donegal badge, the Bell medal, the Express medal and the skilled shot certificates. The Donegal badge entitles the owner to compete in the Donegal Cup shot at the Bisley meeting, while the other awards confer right of entry into various privately instituted competitions.
Election of officers.
Upon election of officers, Mr W. H. Chambers was unanimously re-elected president. In replying, Mr Chambers issued the members that he would continue to take an interest in the affairs of the club, but he was afraid he could not greatly help in the shooting part of the business, because he understood they barred shotguns, the only kind he could use. (Laughter and applause.) He hoped that the coming season would be pleasant and successful. (Applause)
Mrs G. White and Barnett were elected vice presidents, and Mr W. V Simpkins was unanimously reappointed to the secretaryship. Mr Ban Hallam was elected captain, and it was decided that the business of the club to be transacted by committee of 11 members. A vote of thanks to the chairman concluded the meeting