Denaby Romance – Girl Marries Man with Broken Back

March 1911

Mexborough and Swinton Times, March 25, 1911

Denaby Romance

Girl Marries Man with Broken Back

The sequel to the romance narrated in these columns some few weeks ago was seen at the Denaby Parish Church on the morning of Saint Patrick’s day, when Mr Joe Raynor (26) was quietly married to Miss Florence widow Saint, of 30, Cliff view, Denaby Main.

The circumstances associated with the wedding day gave, as already reported, of a most pathetic character.

Raynor’s back is broken, and he will never stand on his legs again. He and his bride were taken to church in the colliery ambulance, a stretcher being utilised to carry the bridegroom to the altar.

The couple were married in the presence of two stretcher bearers and two witnesses, by the vicar, Rev. F.S. Hawkes.

The bride was given away by her father, who, by a singular coincidence, is also an invalid.

The homecoming of the newly married couple was not without many evidences of friendship and goodwill for the United pair.

Rayner bore the trying ceremony very well, but his white face showed his transference had been a trial.