Denaby School’s Interest – Link with an Aircraft Carrier (picture)

March 1957

South Yorkshire Times March 2, 1957

Denaby School’s Interest
Link with a Carrier

On February 7th,  an aircraft carrier of the Royal Navy, HMS Warrior 10, set sail for Jamaica from Portsmouth, and as it left it took with it the good wishes of the children of St Albans Junior Catholic School, Denaby.

Through the apostleship of The Sea, the school “adopted” the ship last November, so that now, whenever she sails, the children of St Albans school are kept closely in touch through correspondence.

The class which follows the ship’s progress with your most interest is junior 3. On the classroom wall is a chart of the oceans, and on it the children, under the guidance of their teacher Mrs Hilton, trace and plot the ship’s position.

Sister M de Sales said that the most recent letter from the ship was on Wednesday, shortly after it had left Kingston, Jamaica.

Lieutenant commander Black tells the children how the vessel was laden with a fine cargo of fruit, and provisions ready for its next lap to Christmas Island.

The children are constantly being asked by the crew for details of the school’s football team.

Letters are sent to individual children, to class III, to the school as a whole, and to the Junior headmistress, Sister de Sales.

From Wikipedia:

By Lindsay, Jack – This image is available from the City of Vancouver Archives under the reference number CVA 1184-3461