Denaby “Tossing School” Raided

May 1932

Mexborough and Swinton Times, May 13th, 1932

Denaby “Tossing School” Raided

A raid on a gambling school at Denaby by police resulted on Tuesday at Doncaster in Thomas Hooley and Percy Wm. Mellor being fined £1 each and Godfrey Davies £3.  All are Denaby miners,

Police evidence was that watch was kept by officers on a piece of open land near Blythe Street, Denaby, where a number of men were seen playing “Tossing.” Coins were seen tossed and change hands.  When the police revealed themselves, a whistle was blown and the men made off.  After a chase the men were caught.

Hooley, in evidence, said he was not gambling but going round collecting for a club

Davies had had previous convictions and similar convictions.