Denaby Utd – Denaby United v Barnsley Reserve – Poem

December 1905

Mexborough and Swinton Times December 2, 1905

Denaby United v Barnsley Reserve

A Poet better satisfied
I’m really very glad to find
I’m not a “genre” after all
That’s when I truly would be kind
I bring about United’s fall,
That when I go to Denaby,
Intent to see United play,
The club’s supporters need not cry,
“For heavens sake, please stop away.”

Twice previously when I have turned,
My steps towards United’s ground,
A reputation I have earned
Like that which poor old Jonah found.
When I could not be there to see
United all their rivals beat,
But when I went O’ woe is me
Each time they met with dire defeat

In trembling fear on Saturday
I therefore went there once again
And dreaded that United’s play
However good, would prove in vain
But I rejoice, United one,
This, notwithstanding I was there –
My evil reputation is gone,
And I’ve retrieved my character

I breathe this freedom once again,
Because alas it does not seem
I bring disaster in my train,
To Denaby’s deserving team,
For critics I no longer care
The value of a rusty pin,
I’ve been to Denaby, and there
I clearly saw United win.

No wretched fluky, their success
Which a team might be ashamed,
But value nothing more or less,
For both the points United claimed.
They did themselves full justice when
They settle fairly in their stride,
And it was quite apparent then,
Which really was the smartest side.

They played as I have heard they could
I’m told it was not quite their best,
If so their best is very good
They gave their rivals little rest,
Each manner try all the way
From forward line away to back,
And I’m obliged – and pleased – to say
That not a man of them was slack

And what is more, throughout their style
Was worthy of their growing fame,
They meant to win, but all the while,
Like thorough sportsman played the game,
No “accidental” nasty kicks,
That laid a dangerous rival out,
Not all the dirty little tricks,
Such as all honest players spout

By right group football that alone,
My friend United gained the day,
And they triumphantly have shown,
To me that they can really play.
And now I’m better satisfied,
I’ve stood upon United’s ground,
And what has been before denied,
I’ve seen some football, good and sound

G.R.Tennyson Sims