Denaby United Football Club – Benefit Concert

9 March 1900

Mexborough Times, March 9.

Denaby Football Club.

Benefit Concert Last Night.

At the new school, Denaby Main, a large audience listened with pleasure to the items in a musical program provided by the members of the Denaby Main Orchestral Society which is able to command the services of no less than 32 performers. The object of the concert was to render financial aid to the Denaby United Football Club.

In consequence of the large expense incurred in connection with the fencing of the playing field, which amounted to £155, the football club is now somewhat behind hand in a financial sense. The work of fencing has been done in a thoroughly satisfactory manner, and the barriers erected are substantial enough to accommodate the very large crowds which is hoped in the course of time will patronise the ground.

As to the playing abilities of the Denaby team, very little needs to be said here. It is well-known that the team at present are leading in Division 1 of the Hatchard Cup, in which competition they have not yet sustained defeat. A token of their prowess was on show last night. Standing on a pedestal, high above the platform, in full view of the audience, was a large, handsome, Silver Cup, which the champions of the South Yorkshire League are entitled to hold. Denaby United have been in possession of the trophy for three consecutive seasons. The popularity of the club is great in Denaby. The demand for tickets was more satisfactory, and it is confidently expected that a considerable sum will be realised.

The conductor at the concert last night was Mr M.Soar,who isone of the mainstays of the society; the band was ably led by Mr Ben Wilson; and the conductor was Mr W.H.Wilson.

The vocalist were Miss May Soar, soprano and Mr Cunningham Innocent, baritone, Sheffield. This was Mr Innocent´s first appearance at Denaby, and he had reason to be proud of the hearty reception that was accorded to him.

The programme opened with an overture by Herman, “Chevalier de Breton,” which was performed with consummate ability, and in a finished manner, which the audience were not slow to appreciate.

Miss May Soar, give the first vocal number, which was Wellings pathetic “Never alone.” Miss Soar is a favourite at Denaby, and her delicate vocalisation did not miss the notice of the assemblage, among which there were evidently some keen and discriminating judges.

Following this song came that exquisite waltz by Strauss, “Beautiful Danube,” and here again, the orchestra was heard to excellent advantage.

Mr Cunningham Innocent at once captured the heart of his audienceby his finished singing of the well-known and exceedingly beautiful gem from the “Geisha, Star of my soul.” The singer was heartily encored, and he responded with a lesser-known, scarcely less appreciated number, Gounod´s “She alone shames my soul.”

Mr Hepworth, a member of the society, essayed a rather difficult clarinet solo, “Un Reve” by Delafosse. His selection of this item was fully justified by the masterly fashion in which he executed the somewhat intricate passages.

As a conclusion to the firstpart the orchestra played the ever popular selections from Sullivan’s “Mikado”.

The second part was open with a lively and most inspiriting march, “Flambeaux” by Clark.

The rendering by the band was bold and effective, and at the end the audience were not slow to testify their thorough and complete satisfaction.

Mr Cunningham Innocent’s second appearance was a signal for a hearty burst of applause. His song was well-known, been none other than Hatton´s “Revenge.” He was again encored, and in his response introduced the only patriotic number, “Where are the lads of the old brigade.”

For the next item Sullivan was again drawn upon, the band played in a graceful dance from “Henry VIII”

Miss Soar sang “distant places,” Mr Tom Soar gave an oboe solo, “Cantilene,”

A most successful concert concluded with “the Geisha” selection, followed by the National Anthem.



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