South Yorkshire Times, June 11th, 1955.
Denaby – £394 Loss – But a Grand Spirit
Presenting the financial report at the annual meeting of Denaby United Football Club on Sunday, Mr. K. Beaumont said there had been a balance deficiency of revenue over the past year of £394 10s. 7d.
Mr. Beaumont said when one bore in mind that all the top league clubs had been suffering from falling ‘gates,’ it was not unusual to have a loss in ‘gate’ receipts of some £300. He said there was not one instance where he could find the committee had been rash in spending money. ‘If you review the circumstances rationally, your committee have done a very good job,’ he added.
On the expenditure side, players’, trainers’ and officials’ wages and fees had cost £1,867 5s. and travelling expenses were £767 4s. 1d. Nett ‘Gate’ receipts for the past year were £1,329/8/11 and workmen’s contributions from Denaby and Cadeby collieries totalled £1,385 2s. 7d. The club received a grant of £150 from the Supporters’ Club and a transfer fee had brought in £500. Last year transfer fees brought the club £1,000.
The club chairman, Mr. A. Roberts said the season had not been a very good one, either from a playing or financial point of view.
The Midland League side started very well but fell away though near the end of the season the side played better.
It was nice to see they had a ‘real good second team,’ Mr. Roberts said. They were mostly amateurs, who had done very well. They had brought back the Mexborough Montagu Cup for the first time in 20 years and they had won the Sheffield Association League for the first time since 1941. he Hoped they could do the same this year.
‘That Was the Spirit’
The second team had never been the same two weeks together and he congratulated some of the first team players who turned up to play in the second team at the end of the season without being previously notified. ‘That was the spirit we had,’ Mr. Roberts continued.
The spirit among all the players had been the best and although things did not turn out as well as they would have liked, they did not have to go to a Midland League meeting to seek re-election.
Secretary/Manager Mr. M. Taylor said the second team lads turned up whenever possible and he was very pleased when they eventually won the league, because it looked very doubtful at one time. Although in the Monatgu Cup final the team did not cover themselves in glory, one must bear in mind that some of the players and played three or four matches during the week. He thanked Mr. Walsh, of the Tom Hill Y.C., for his help in loaning players, and also Mr. M. Cooke.
Referring to the Midland League side, Mr. Taylor said, ‘We had several lads who got their sleeves rolled up and got stuck in and we pulled away from the bottom of the league.’
Leading Scorers.
Mr. Taylor said 39 players had appeared in the Midland League side and Barnes was the most consistent player. Leading goal scorers were: Duggan 18 (31 appearances), Dixon 15 (28), Holmes 16 (39), Weakley 11 (28), Second team: Pryor 22 goals, Dixon 9, Davies 9, Gray 9, Weakley 8, Andrews 8.
It was stated that a further donation of £150 had been received from the Supporter’s Club, Making a total of £300, but this further amount would appear in next year’s accounts.
Mr. Roberts said they had had some excellent help from the Supporters’ Club, and he hoped in the future they could make some arrangements whereby they could attend each others meetings.
In ‘Other Business,’ Mr. T. Stones asked the chairman about a letter the club had received from the Supporters’ Club about Cup final tickets. After Mr. Roberts had said the letter had been discussed by the committee and that it had been decided that it should not be read out. Mr. Stones replied, ‘That letter should have been read out this morning.’ After a short discussion a proposition that Minute regarding cup final tickets be rescinded was defeated.
Officials elected were: President, Mr. S. Peck; secretary/manager, Mr. M. Taylor; committee, Messrs. A. Green, J. Ford, A. Bainbridge, R. Shephard, E. Sheldrake and E. Holland.