Denaby Utd – Denaby 0  Leicester Fosse  0 – Draw with Fosse

26 April 1912

Sheffield Daily Telegraph – Friday 26 April 1912

Denaby Draw with Fosse

Denaby United  0  Leicester Fosse  0

Denaby United brought their home season to a close last evening, by participating in a drawn game with Leicester Fosse Reserve. The game, save for the sunshine, was in no wise suggestive of the end of the season, and both sides maintained a fine pace from start to finish. On the whole, Leicester were the cleverer side, but Denaby’s dash equalised matters.

Both goals experienced some narrow escapes, and Starbuck and Moxon, the respective custodians. brought off some brilliant saves. But apart from their reliability, the forwards all round had only themselves to thank for the want goals, for both sides missed easy opportunities of opening the account.

For Leicester Bauchop and Clarke, the extreme wingers, got across a number of sparkling centres, but the inside men, Osborne particularly, were sadly “at sea” in finishing effort. No real fault could’ be found with their defence, a remark which also applies Denaby, for whom Dawson, Johnson, and Westwood were conspicuous.