Denaby Utd  – Denaby 1  Chesterfield Res  0 – Denaby Defeat Chesterfield.

15 April 1912

Sheffield Daily Telegraph – Monday 15 April 1912

Denaby Defeat Chesterfield.

Denaby United  1  Chesterfield Res  0

Denaby United are finishing the season with an improvement of form that would have made world of difference to the club’s record had it matured before last Christmas. The players, under the new management, have been given a chance to “stick together,” and as a result something like match-winning team has been dragged the morass of earlier difficulties and shortcomings.

On Saturday Denaby not only beat Chesterfield by a goal to nil —scored by Marshall —but were altogether too good for Chesterfield, who have rarely been seen to less advantage. Denaby, indeed, but for the sureness of Summers’ goalkeeping, and the presence of that “coat of varnish which just frustrated many good shots, would have won larger margin, but the odd goal served its purpose. Howbeit Chesterfield were lucky to have got off so lightly.

The attendance was again on the, small side, but the spectators present had the pleasure ‘of seeing Denaby in a dashing and effective mood, and half-back line, in Westwood, Johnson and Peters, reminiscent of former happier days. The defence, too, as represented by Swinbourne, Dawson and Moxon was sound as a bell, and if there was any fault to find it lay with the forwards.

As for Chesterfield, Summers stood out by himself, but Thacker was always a good and brainy centre-half and ever struggling to infuse life into a forward line that was woefully ineffective against the home team’s intermediate line.