Denaby Utd – Denaby 1 Rotherham County 1 – Poor game – Goals & Points divided.

March 1907

Mexborough and Swinton Times March 9th 1907

Poor game at Denaby
Goals and Points divided.

Denaby United 1  Rotherham County 1

500 football enthusiasts took the air of the Denaby enclosure on Saturday afternoon. As a consequence, there were 500 disappointed men in Denaby on Saturday evening.

The reason for the disappointment was not far to seek, it all centred round the game between the United and Rotherham County. The football, which the encounter produced may be set down as one of the most miserably futile exhibitions yet seen in the Denaby ground. Neither side found itself capable of doing anything particularly brilliant therefore the players did what they could, and, alas! Did it but indifferently. Both teams deserved the goal with which they were credited, and there the limit is set on their deserts.

Football interest is on the wane, apparently, and a succession of games of the stamp of the Denaby v County match should accelerate its eclipse. The weather was beautifully fine when the teams faced each other as follows:

Denaby United. – Hancock, goal; Lawley and Westwood, backs; Nimrod, Tompkins, and Harrop, halfbacks; Heppenstall, Welch, Brown, Hopkinson, and Eyre, forwards.

Rotherham County. – Phillips, goal, Horton and Eaton, backs; Arthurs, Shearman, and Miller, halfbacks; Wilde, Darley, Green, Speight, and Henry Vickers, forwards.

The visitors led off through the left-wing, and with their backs to the colliery, a promising effort was very speedily frustrated by their energetic Nimrod, who dispossessed Vickers. The country’s persistency gave Westwood an opportunity of displaying his sterling merit, and his vigourous clearance saw the venue  of attack changed, Eyre who then got well away on the left, and centred to Welch. The manner in which the latter’s shut was charged down gave rise to loud cries of “penalty,” cries which, however, the referee disregarded, the Denaby attack having been repulsed, the Rotherham forwards attacked for a time in beautiful union, but Lawley, with his excellent aide-de-camp, Nimrod, had the full measure of his wing which was thus rendered impotent. Wilde, on the other wing, was continually fed by Darley. But was unable to seize the opportunities so plentifully provided,

Avisit to the Rotherham end saw that monument of coolness Eaton, in good vain. But even he was unable entirely to withstand the pressure set up by their “Colliers” and Phillips was kept very busy. He came out of the ordeal with flying colours, and his work was in direct contract to the miserable display he had recently given on the Mexborough ground. The manner in which he turned away a deadly shot from Brown was a masterpiece of promptitude and resource. He also figured well in the succeeding corner kick, which was cleared.

After a good deal of purposeless play, Green, for the County got well away, and had only Hancock to beat, when he spoiled the chance by shooting badly. Darley’s effort, a moment later, failed from a different cause, he being brought down just outside the penalty area by the overzealous Westwood.

The free kick came to nothing, but after Heppenstall, at the other end, and staggered Phillips with a terrible shot, Green went away alone; and beating Westwood single-handed, opened the score for the County, after 25 minutes play.

The home side, after this initial reverse, tried hard to equalise, but their efforts, during the first half at all events, were of no avail.

The succeeding half however was not many minutes all when the necessary goal came, the ball going of Tompkins, past a crowd of players into the net.

This arouse the visitors and after Arthurs had hit the top of the net from a freekick, Miller called upon the Denaby custodian with a fairly difficult shot. Indeed the County was throughout slightly the better team, and continue to act, mainly through the centre, for the left-wing was very effectively gagged.

On one occasion, however, Eyre got in a shop which brought Phillips to his knees but which eventually that splendid custodian cleared. The Denaby left returned, however, and another shot was sent him. This was also cleared, but not effectually and Phillips rushed out to secure the ball from a crowd of Denaby forwards. As he did so the ball was sent in, and touching Welch in the course of its journey to the net, the goal was instantly proclaimed offside.

After this bitter disappointment the Denaby players suffered a decided slump, and the only incident of note during the remaining 10 minutes was a miskick by Eaton, followed by a very neat recovery on the part of the same place.