Denaby Utd – Denaby 2  Castleford  1 – Enthusiasm at Denaby

28 September 1912

Mexborough & Swinton Times – Saturday 28 September 1912

Enthusiasm at Denaby

Denaby United  2  Castleford  1

The match at Denaby between United and Castleford Town was full of good football, and exciting incidents that abounded an interesting game, seen from the crowd outbursts of spectorial enthusiasm, reminiscent of the palmiest days of the club.

Certainly the appearance for the first time of Denaby’s first team on their new ground, was a happy augury for the future. The bright sunshine, the green sward, the spick-and-span enclosure, and the goodly the features calculated cheer new officials, and the classification seen the “gallant Greens” played a dashing uphill game and pull off a richly deserved victory.

The scene that followed the scoring of Denaby’s winning goal, no less than a good all-round play of the home team, warranted the optimism that is going now that the old club has found its feet again. And if I mistake not, Denaby’s victory over Castleford, won in the most sensational game I have witnessed this season, will go a long way to restoring the confidence of the players and supporters alike.

Thrilling Exchanges

The match abounded in thrills, Castleford started the sensations by scoring through Handley in the first minute, and this early point but both teams on their mettle, subsequently being full of fire.

Blackman very quickly came into the picture with a number of factual town centres, and from one of his crosses Hobson missed a good chance of equalising, a mistake that was repeated by the whole of the inside forwards a little later.

Towards the interval Denaby strove desperately hard to gain the equaliser. First Blackburn hit the side of the castle net with a fast cross shot, then after Gough had been twice brought his knees in dealing with well directed crack drives, a combined movement by the home attack culminating Lang snapping of the past and keep it in stealing the ball into the net. The joy of the crowd was short lived, as the referee, after consultation the linesman, disallowed the point on the ground of offside.

Castleford Outplayed

The second half was one long triumph for Denaby. The spectators grew vocally excited Denaby again and again dashed down on the Castleford goalkeeper but despite their superiority the finishing touch was a long time materialising. Yet such persistency was found to bear fruit, and the equaliser came along last greatly to the delight of the crowd. Denaby were attacking hotly when the ball found its way to the right, where Blackburn pounced upon it and with a first-time shot scored a magnificent goal.

The success spurred Denaby to further efforts and some five minutes from the finish they crowned a lot of good work with the winning point. In this case Swinburn had judiciously lobbed a freekick straight at Gough, who in attempting to clear, was rushed by Wilkinson, who planted the ball home to have his right hand in the shaken by his comrades.

It was a fitting climax to the most enjoyable game with a worthy reward for the best side in the day’s play.