Denaby Utd – Denaby  3  Leeds City Reserve   0

19 April 1912

Sheffield Daily Telegraph – Friday 19 April 1912

Denaby United  3  Leeds City Reserve   0

Denaby United, after nearly three hours of home football, have at last scoured a brace of points, at the expense of Leeds City Reserve, and may be said that the points were richly deserved. The protracted time entailed in the gaining of them was owing to an inopportune snowstorm cutting the original match snort five minutes off time when Denaby were leading by two goals to none.

The re-arranged replay took place at Denaby, yesterday, when the home team emphasised their former form, and ran out easy victors by no less margin than three goals to none. Hill scored the solitary goal of the first half, and Wellings and Bisby weighed m with two more after the interval. Leeds were only moderate, and their attempts close passing failed to trouble the Denaby defence.

The home halves were again a potent factor in the result, whilst their forwards showed plenty of dash in front of goal.

Mexborough Win at Notts.

Notts County Reserve  0  Mexborough Town  1

Delightful weather favoured this match on the Meadow Lane Ground, Nottingham, yesterday, but. there was not a large attendance. Notts had a strong team out but in the early stages found the sprightly forwards very difficult to hold stop

Only five minutes had elapsed when the home defence became mixed up and T. Bolton scored a fine goal for the visitors. Following this, Notts attacked continuously, but Rounds and his backs had a great time, and at the interval Mexborough still led by a goal to nil.

The second half was remarkable. For twenty minutes Mexborough got away twice. Suter saving on both occasions. The Notts forwards simply rained in shots from all directions, but somehow or other Rounds always popped up at the right time.

So the game proceeded. It was one constant bombardment of the Mexborough goal, but all to no purpose, and the visitors claimed both the points.