Denaby Utd – Denaby 3 Wilmorton  2 – Loss of Winger Did Not Rob Points

10 September 1960

South Yorkshire Times, September 10th, 1960

Loss of Left Winger Did Not Rob Denaby of Points

Denaby United   3 Wilmorton  2

Well done, Denaby United. Reduced to 10 men for the whole of a fast and furious second half, United fought grimly on to gain a third goal and are 3-2 victory over visitors Wilmorton on Saturday.

It was 23-year-old Gerald Dodds, showing up very well at his new outside right birth who cracked in the 78th minute.

With 18 goals in five matches behind them, Denaby are riding the crest of a wave and promised to finish in the heights of the new League.

Wilmorton gave no meagre performance in their first visit to Tickhill Square, but it was Lady Luck who help them level the scores at the interval.

The visitors flustered after arriving at the ground well behind schedule, were swept off their feet in the early stages.

Soon Two Down

By the eighth minute they were two down. First Brian Hirst hammered in a “picture goal” from a Swaby passed back, then Slater beat Bricknell completely from the spot.

The Denaby attack were revitalised. Passing low and long through the Wilmorton defence, Dodds then Swaby, forced the Wilmorton keeper to make fingertip saves.

Morton’s first goal – in the 17th minute – came much against the run of play. Richard fastened on to the rebounding ball, which hit the prostrate Davey’s foot and trickled into the net. The second came after a flurry of confusion. Once again Davey went sprawling down, and Hopkins choice chance during a goalmouth melee.

Allott Carried Off

Local boy Norman Allott, who had been out of the team the previous week through injury, was carried off after hurting his ankle in the sliding tackle a minute before half-time.

He did not return. Heavy rain slowed play at the restart, but exchanges were hard and frequent. Defiant despite their disadvantage Denaby gave as much as they got.

Hail Howard Johnson! The ex-League pivot playing a very “deep” game, appeared like a Jack in a box to wreck many a Wilmorton onslaught.

Denaby played with a fury born of desperation. They knew that to slacken off for one minute in 2 May meant the almost inevitable equaliser.

Denaby: Davey; Mellows, Foster; Hirst, Johnson, Bourne; Dodds, Lees, Swaby, Slater, Allott