Denaby Utd – Denaby 3. Worksop 1 – United Back in Their Stride

October 1925

Mexborough and Swinton Times, October 17 1925

A Great Goal
Thrills at Denaby
United Back in Their Stride.

Denaby United 3. Worksop Town 1

A crowd stood behind the penalty spot at the Denaby end on Saturday. Richardson, Worksop’s captain and left full-back, took the kick and the ball rebounded with terrific force from the crossbar. Mark Taylor headed it, Tommy Allen punched it forward and away sped Skeels to centre to the forwards who had dashed up. Best saved, but the ball went back to Skeels who scored.

Thus occurred the most sensational incident in the match about halfway through the second half. It was all done in a flash, to the amazement of the Worksop players who were confidently awaiting their goal. There was a goal but not at the anticipated end. And one will probably have to witness hundreds of matches before such another happening.

In a way Worksop were distinctly unfortunate, for the penalty was a result of Redfern catching the ball and almost in the top corner of the goal was prevented a certain score. Redfern pushed the ball out, but the referee missed the incident. In response to Worksop, clamourings for a penalty he appealed to the linesman to confirm the appeal, and a penalty kick was awarded. This caused Windle, Denaby’s captain to appeal to him. At the time I wonder why the appeal, but after the match I found that Windle was asking why he had not consulted the linesman earlier when Denaby had appealed for a goal because Best appeared to have carried the ball over his goal-line.

The game opened rather sensationally for Rawson after five minutes had given Worksop the lead. From a long forward pass this player dashed away and though fouled by Redfern he recovered and gave Bromage no chance.

Only five more minutes had elapsed when Stanley Taylor, who had returned to the forward line, justified his inclusion and cast reflections on his omission last week, for after Best had twice saved in workmanlike fashion this player beat him with a rasping shot.

Two goals in 10 minutes was good going in a fast game in brilliant sunshine on a dry pitch with a lively ball. Rawson and Spink were always a source of danger whilst Hussey and Taylor were playing with understanding and many of Bussey’s touches displayed real artistry. Tommy Allen did not settle down for some time, and twice he miskicked when the goal was at his mercy, but as the game progressed his play improved. A noticeable feature of his play was that he was always made certain that his man was well placed before he parted with the ball. After whizzing a free kick over the bar S. Taylor had a hot shot deflected by Hunt, but a goal kick was awarded,

Denaby were pre-dominating, but there was no further score until five minutes from the interval, when Stanley Taylor took a pass from Drew and banged the ball hard into the net, and so this player was responsible for Denaby’s half-time lead.

On resuming Taylor had a pop at goal in the first minute but immediately afterwards he missed twice when he might have scored. Taylor and Bussey were again in the picture with a pretty piece of passing, but when Best came out to intercept, which he only partially did, they both overrun the ball. Just at this period Worksop became aggressive and Bromage received a pause from some very smart work. Windle planted a free kick was forced into goalmouth but Best made a fine clearance at the expense of a corner, and as usual Denaby got nothing out of it.

They came another incident, and Windle had to take a free kick three times, twice because Tufnell would insist on approaching too near to the kicker. The third attempt the whistle went again but it was just because Taylor was offside. Skeels, just before the finish nearly got shaken up like he did at Wath, for Richardson skittled him off as he neared the goal.

The game ended with a very inspiring victory for Denaby after a real good match, and if that kind of football is served up regularly the gates should improve. The gate suffered in consequence of the counter attraction at Mexborough. Both teams played some football, but the Denaby halfback line was not quite so convincing as we have seen it. Perhaps it was a temporary lapse, but there must be no latitude here. Bromage was good and Redfern made Matt Taylor a splendid partner. He is improving each match, and appears destined to make a reputation. Matt, as usual, put up a sterling defence. The forwards improved after Allen settled down and Drew and Skeels were tricky while Stanley Taylor and Bussey made many pleasing movements.

Best, in Worksop’s goal, shone in the defence which, on the whole was sound. The halfbacks did not give much rope, and Spink, Rawson and Bluff in the forward line slightly overshadowed Tremelling and Tufnell, though all played very good games.

The Denaby players were all wearing black bands, a token of respect for the late Mr W. I. Gibbs a staunch supporter of the club.


Denaby United: Bromage; Redfern, Taylor M.; Croot, Windle, Brown; Drew, Bussey, Taylor, Allen, Skeels

Worksop Town: Best; Hunt, Richardson; Binney, Robinson, Chandler; Spink, Trewelling, Rawson, Tufnell, Bluff