Denaby Utd – Denaby 6 Newark 0 – Fine Form and Six Goals

January 1907

Mexborough and Swinton Times,  January 12, 1907

Midland League
Newark Overwhelmed at Denaby
Fine Form and Six Goals

Denaby United 6 Newark 0

On Saturday, Denaby United emerged from darkness into light. Newark was the visiting team, and having the misfortune to catch the colliers in a goal scoring mood, suffered accordingly. As one watched the omnipotent attack plough its way through the opposition, and make the Newark defence almost ridiculous, one lost sight of those three successive defeats which had served to show the team at its worst.

Once again, the forwards conjured with the ball like artist. Once more did the intermediate line solidify both attack and defence. Yet again did we see the defence play its natural game, the whole working together for the scoring of goals and the confusion of the enemy.

As a result, six goals were scored, and in this respect the team reached its high water mark in the Midland league this season. The game, however, was never lacking in interest, and though manifestly outplayed, the men of Newark played pluckily right to the end.

Right from the start the Denaby forwards were in a militant mood. The team had won the toss, and had taken advantage of a breeze which was settling strongly in the direction of the colliery, Eyre by his brilliant display on the left, showed conclusively that his exclusion New Year’s Day had been all a mistake. After he had sent in several well meant shots, play was transferred to the other end, the Newark left working well together. Only for a moment where the Denaby men on the defensive, however. Hopkinson, in the course of a United attack on the visitors goal, got the ball post Airey -from an offside position.

Then a series of corner kicks fell to Denaby but Airey was playing a fine game, and the goal area was eventually cleared. Westwood was hereabouts called upon to display his sterling capabilities, for Barnett and Sharp, and the Newark right, began to entertain ambitions.

The Denaby back held his wing very tightly, however, and the next moment Dyal was very near with a cross shot which went over the bar. Heppinstall also shot, but without sting. Pressure on the Newark goal that this point was so hot that Macmillan barely missed heading the ball through his own goal. The futility of the Denaby forwards in front of goal was the saviour of the Newark side, and once or twice the visitors tried to clear their quarters of the invading forwards.

Eventually, however, and in the course of one of Denaby’s attacks, Cook shot well while falling, the effort taking effect, as Airey was unable to reach the ball.

The ice having been broken, the wearers of the green displayed a greater degree of keenness in attack, and it was not long before Eyre, receiving a nice pass from the centre, went through and shop well past Airey who, fine goalkeeper as he was, was unable to get the ball out.

Meanwhile Brown had been acting the part of a passive spectator, and had been furnished with no opportunity of displaying his merit. However, he was now called upon for the first time, and cleared well. Ostler, playing at left half for Newark, was a thorn in the side of Dyal and Cook, whose combination he broke up pretty effectively. The remainder of the half resolved itself into a keen struggle between the home forwards and the visiting halfs, the latter contesting every yard of the way. However, at half time the colliery team was two up, and according to play, well within sight of a comfortable victory.

Although Westwood and Welch were safe, the Newark forwards occasionally got through, their great weakness being lack of finish. Well as Dyal had played in the first half, he now proceeded to cap his previous performance, and the turn of speed which characterised his run down the wing left the opposing defence hopelessly at sea on several occasions. Once he, with Cook, brought their bail well up, and the latter placed right across the goalmouth, for Eyre to crash into the net.

Then Newark took a hand in the attack, but the forwards could do nothing right. Barnett, indeed, sent in a very dangerous centre, or rather, a centre which would have been dangerous had anyone been there to utilise it. Again the Denaby forwards pressed hotly, and Heppinstall was noticeable with brilliant work; he quickly settled the issue, for he performed the “hat-trick,” scoring three goals in quick succession. On one occasion he had to thank Dyal and Hopkinson for the necessary opportunity; on another Eyre was an important factor, while his third goal was the result of wonderful promptlitude, and he robbed Airey and netted the ball while the goalkeeper was in the act of clearing.

Notwithstanding these successive defeats, Airey played with skill and plot, and the ball was taken to the Denaby end. Here the ball dangerously near Brown’s charge. Now the game began to show signs of his link tamely out, and with the issue so empathetically assured, the last whistle was hailed as a relief from the tedium of commonplace football resulted: –