Mexborough & Swinton Times, February 16, 1907
Denaby’s Great Victory.
Glut of Goals Against Lincoln
Denaby United. 7, Lincoln City Reserve 1
Denaby ran a dark horse at centre forward against Lincoln City Reserve at home, the general opinion being that he gave a good account of himself. There was a moderate attendance. Denaby gained their most decisive victory of the season, but the game was uninteresting, for the simple reason that the home team had matters all their own way. The weather was splendid, but the ground was somewhat heavy, though credit is due to the ground keeper, Mr John Cope, for the way he made the best of a bad job. The teams were: –
Denaby United – Hancock, Gall; Marshall and Westwood. Backs; Nimrod, Tomkins, and Harrop, halfback; Dyal, Welch, A. N. other, Lawley and Eyre, forwards.
Lincoln City Reserve – Buist. Goal, Pugh and P. Blow, backs; F. Taylor, A. Taylor, and Andrews, halfback; PPosnett, Sutton, Bacon, Ketley and P. Blow, forwards.
Denaby had made one or two alterations, the most notable being the bringing in of Lawley, who plays as a rule at left back, and occasionally in the right position, into the forward line, at inside left, in this new capacity he showed up brilliantly, being responsible for three splendidly scored goals, Marshall at right back, is a new man, Westwood was tried as right back, Harrop, from the forward line, taking his place at left half.
Denaby were favoured by the spin of the coin, and started with the sun and the wind at their backs. They were at once on the aggressive Eyre calling on Pugh to clear a tantalising shot. The visitors defence was nearly penetrated during a renewed attack, Buist being lucky to escape defeat. Westwood affected a creditable clearance from an attack on the left, and Harrop checked Posnett when the latter was executing a pretty flanking movement, with the assistance of Sutton.
Then Dyal took up the running, and made a splendid individual performance, but was brought down heavily just within the penalty area by P. Blow. Lawley was entrusted with the kick, and he sent in a lightning shot, which Buist managed to stop, but could not hold, and before he could clear Lawley tipped the ball through.
The restart saw Denaby once more swarming round the visitors goal. Dyal dropped the ball writing front of Buist, who intended to fist away with a mighty swipe, but missed and Lawley assisted the ball into the net.
Lincoln made a spurt, and succeeded in advancing to close proximity to the home citadel. Posnett centred finally, and Bacon took possession Marshall was non-plussed for some reason, and ought to have sent the ball out of danger, but before Hancock could rush out Bacon had found the net, the score being a lucky one.
With the exception of vigorous efforts on the part of Posnett and Sutton, who kept the home defenders in play, Denaby were complete masters of the situation, and they gave Buist a lively time. The goal had several narrow escapes in quick succession, a long cross shot from Dyal just missing the corner of the net. When the custodian had been beaten. Welch added Denaby’s third goal with a splendid shot, and again tested Buist shortly afterwards.
Blow almost let the homesters in again by failing to hold the ball, but he managed, while prostrate, to rob the home centre in the nick of time. Buist, affected some fine saves, and prevented a heavier score in the first half, the defence of his side being weak with the exception of the single defeat, Hancock was not once called upon. Just before half time Denaby appealed for goal on the ground that Buist had taken the ball behind the line, but it was unheeded, and a clearance was affected, half-time came with the score; Denaby three, Lincoln city eserve one,
Denaby’s superiority was even more pronounced in the second half. With the exception of one immediately after the start and once towards the finish, Hancock never handled the ball, and hostilities were almost entirely confined to the visitors half.
Lawley and Welch in turn tested Buist, who saved brilliantly. Dyal might have scored, but misjudged an easy shot, Welch made the fourth goal easily after receiving from Dyal, and the centre forward, with a neat header, after a scrimmage, added the fifth.
The sixth was scored in brilliant style by Eyre, who shot from a position near the goal line, well up the field, and found a billet direct with a swerving shot, by way of a change, the visitors attacked, and Hancock had to handle, but they were soon put on the defensive again. Just before time Lawley added the seventh goal.
All the Denaby-ites played consistently, but Tomkins was conspicuous with some strenuous work at centre half.
The result represented pretty accurately the disparity between the teams.