Denaby Utd – Doncaster Rovers  2  Denaby 0 – Doncaster’s Third Success.

16 September 1912

Sheffield Daily Telegraph – Monday 16 September 1912

Doncaster’s Third Success.

Doncaster Rovers  2  Denaby United  0

Last season Doncaster Rovers were beaten by “short head,” so to speak, for the championship of the Midland League. They have opened this season’s campaign apparently with the idea making amends for the mistake, for they have won all the three matches they have played far.

On Saturday, at Intake, they defeated a strengthened Denaby United eleven rather easily. Dyall was a clever forager for the Rovers, scoring one of the goals, and Bromage also played well on the wing, besides scoring. The others were rather weak in their shooting. Blackburn, the smart outside right, was Denaby’s best forward.

Mexborough’s First Victory.

Mexborough Town  1  Leeds City Reserve  0

The visit of Leeds City Reserve gave Mexborough Town their opening victory of the season. The solitary goal of the game was scored by Beaumont, some ten minutes before the interval.

Right through the first half Leeds were overplayed, and the homo forwards, with the chances they gained, should certainly have scored more goals. Mexborough’s supremacy was maintained in the second half, but Leeds gave a much improved show, and the exchanges, as a consequence, grew distinctly interesting.

Although gained by so narrow a margin, Mexborough’s victory was well-deserved The home team played the belter game in all departments, and quite satisfactory feature of the match from Town point of view, was the promising displays of Lester, at right back ; Law, at centrehalf, and Rhodes and Beaumont on the extreme wings.