Denaby Utd – Frickley Colliery  2: Denaby  0 – League and Cup Double over Denaby

10 November 1951

South Yorkshire Times, November 10th, 1951

Bigger “Gates” at Elmsall

Frickley Complete League and Cup Double over Denaby

Frickley Colliery  2: Denaby United  0

Frickley’s performances in the F.A. Cup Midland League are bringing the crowds back to Westfield Lane and the gate for Denaby’s visit again showed an increase

Frickley pleased their supporters by completing a cup and league “double” over their neighbours, although apart from their success there was not much to arouse the enthusiasm of their followers, and still less to excite those of Denaby, writes Arthur Mozley.

Denaby did not play nearly so well as on their cup visit three week earlier.  Apart from Woods, who had a good game at inside-left, the forwards were unimpressive and were mastered easily by a hefty Frickley defence.

The Frickley forwards were not much more impressive. The colliery were on top for fully three-quarters of the game but their erratic shooting enabled goalkeeper Mayhall to have a comparatively easy time.

The two goals, both scored in the second half, were a direct contradiction of the forwards’ performance, for both were real gems of opportunism. After a brilliant run on the right-wing,            R. Benson crossed a centre which WATFORD headed in four minutes after the interval. The second goal came from a cool and clever effort by GOODISON after 78 minutes.

Both teams were best served by their defence.  Lee had a hard game at centre-half for Denaby, while Frickley had a powerful halfback line in Dyson, MacDonald and Lodge, and a brilliant left-back in Stewart.  Both goalkeepers, Williams and Mayhall, did well on the comparatively few times they were called upon.