Denaby Utd – Loughborough 3 Denaby 0 – Bad Luck at Loughborough

November 1925

Mexborough and Swinton Times November 21, 1925

Denaby Fail
Bad Luck at Loughborough

Loughborough Corinthians 3 Denaby United 0

Upwards of 3000 spectators saw an interesting game at Loughborough on Saturday, in spite of the heavy fog that prevailed. Denaby were expected to put up a good fight, but their play was rather disappointing, and the home side fully deserved their victory.

The Denaby forwards did not combine to advantage and they also finished weakly. Generally the shooting of the Denaby forwards was poor, and there was a lack of method in attack. The defence played well and there had plenty to do to hold in check the own forwards who were on the aggressive throughout the match.

A lot of work fell to the backs, Bisby and Wheelhouse, but they came through the ordeal well. Bromage the Denaby goalkeeper, is to be complemented on a fine display. He was instrumental in keeping down the score, and could not be blamed for the goals.

The visitors had bad luck early in the game, Chambers, the Loughborough right half, sent in a hard shot in a direct line for the goal, and Wheelhouse, the Denaby right back, deflected the ball into the goal with his head, Bromage being unsighted. Only one more goal was scored in the first, Housley beating Bromage with a fast drive.

In the second half Cleverley scored for Loughborough. The Denaby side tried hard to reduce the arrears, and Taylor, their centre forward was perhaps the outstanding forward, while Drew, the outside right, sent across some useful centres.

The home defence was on the top of its form, and smashed up the Denaby attacks before they were really dangerous. The Loughborough side has not yet been beaten at home in a Midland League match. The game was played in a sporting spirit, and Denaby made a good impression.

Team: Bromage; Wheelhouse, Bisby; Croot, Windle, Brown; Drew, Pearson, Taylor, Allen, Skeels