Denaby Utd – Parkgate Welfare 2 Denaby 0 – United out of English Cup

23 September 1950

South Yorkshire Times September 23, 1950

Parkgate Welfare 2 Denaby United 0

This English Cup-tie on Parkgate heights was virtually won and lost in the first 15 minutes of the second half. This period was to the title fight’s “pay-off ” round. United produced the punch calculated to swing the scale but Parkgate held on grimly and in their first counter-attack they found a gap in the United defence. SALT increased in the 60th minute a lead he earned in the 10th, and after that Welfare had the game won.

It was a peculiarly cheerless cup-tie. Denaby, hampered by a troublesome breeze in the first half, found the rough grass and uneven surface a major problem when they attempted close ground work—and the Parkgate defence sound and workmanlike. This combination served to negative any United progress in the first half, and as a strong kicking Denaby defence served equally to repel Parkgate invasions, there were few goalmouth excitements.

So few, in fact, that the first corner did not come until the second half and (the first of three in quick succession) it was forced by Denaby. Parkgate’s first corner was conceded when Fred Osborne attempted to pass back to Mayhall, just before the end, and the goalkeeper could not reach the fast moving ball in time.

Most of the emphasis was on Park-gate’s defence, Hepplewhite and Simpson at full-back, Page, Hammerton and Gillott at half-back. There was inevitably much desperate kicking at the beginning of the second half, but somehow the ball was got away, and once Welfare had weathered the assault, Dewick was rarely troubled. He earned full marks for a lovely save from Mervyn Law that indeed seemed to emphasise that United were out of the hunt on Saturday.

I heard many differences of opinion about the ground, and offer you two of them as a fair cross section. Said one spectator: Parkgate would beat Manchester City on this enclosure. Said the other: Never mind talking about the ground ; good footballers can play football anywhere.

And there you have it. My own opinion? Accustomed to United, I felt they never settled in their stride and that the unaccustomed going was largely responsible.