Denaby Utd Progress – Improved Balance Sheet Despite Difficulties.

3 April 1931

Mexborough & Swinton Times – Friday 03 April 1931

Denaby Progress

Improved Balance Sheet Despite Difficulties.

£ 24 Profit on Year.

There was encouragement for the small but enthusiastic band who attended the annual meeting of Denaby United F.C. on Sunday in a balance sheet which though it showed a deficit of £90, indicated considerable progress since last year.

The loss was entirely due to bad luck with injured players and the necessity for meeting compensation claims. When the present committee took over last year they had to find £200 to enable the club to carry on for the remainder of the season. In spite of that but for the compensation claims of L Finney, Shenton and A. Smith, which they had to meet throughout the summer, and one or two other extraordinary items of expenditure, they would have finished the financial year with a balance of somewhere about £10.

Mr. B. Kelly presided over the meeting and Mr. Peter Harrison, secretary-manager, gave a short report in which he anticipated some financial assistance from transfers before the season ended.

He also gave the list of goal scorers, as follows: — Sheldon 15, Gilchrist 15. Monday 6. Bowen 6, Vollans 5, Skeels 5, Fisher 6, Law 4, Smith 3. Fogg 2, Ashall 2, Hargreaves 1, Taylor 1. Bennett 1.

The balance sheet, presented by Mr. A. Davis, financial secretary, showed income £1,302 of which £384 was received in Midland League “gates,” £91 from the F.A. Cup, £601 in workmen’s contributions from the collieries, £60 from the Sports Allocation Fund, members’ fees £54, and £20 grant from Hull in respect of Woodhead, the back.

The chief items of expenditure were £926 wages, compensation claims £103. The balance was £24 to set against liabilities amounting to £103. The giant from the Sports Allocation Fund was for the new stand, which is now the club’s own property. Thanks were express to the officials and to Dr. J McArthur, the honorary surgeon.

The officials elected were: President, Mr. L. C. Hodges; secretary-manager. Mr. P. Harrison; financial secretary, Mr. A. Davis; chairman, Mr. B. Kelly.