Denaby Utd – Rotherham County 0 Denaby 1 – Visitors not Entitled to Victory

March 1907

Mexborough and Swinton Times March 16th 1907

Rotherham County 0 Denaby United 1

The visit of Denaby to the ground of Rotherham County attracted an excellent attendance last Saturday. Denaby occupy an excellent position in the Midland league, they play fine football, and are always a welcome team at either of the Rotherham grounds.

The County played with the slope in their favour during the initial half, and though having invariably the better of the exchanges in midfield, they could not beat Lawley and Welch, and Hancock was rarely troubled. Frustrated at not getting too close quarters, the County’s attack tried several longshots, but these were nearly all wide or yards over the top.

Speight and Smith were combining very prettily, and the chief danger came from this wing. Green was also getting through good work, but neither combination nor individual player could penetrate the opposing defence.

Continued pressure brought a goal scored by Darley from a pass by Smith, but the whistle had gone for offside. Dyal and Lees often change the venue, but Eaton was ever in the way, and Phillips had rarely to handle.

Just before half-time the Denaby attack had a glorious chance, but mulled an undoubted opportunity by dallying. Phillips and one of the visitors were hurt in the melee.

In the second moiety playing with the advantage of the slope, it was anticipated that Denaby would overwhelm the home 11. Anticipations were not borne out however, and the County more than held their own. In fact, during the later stages they were continually pressing, and the Denaby goal was only saved from downfall by the wretched shooting of the home quienteite.

Once Green shot well over, then Denaby appeared to have a chance but the opportunity of the afternoon went to Smith, who, standing 3 yards from the goal skied the ball widely over the crossbar, much to the disappointment of the spectators.

During this period Green was a most conspicuous figure, and he opened out the game in brilliant fashion. The County were literally all over their opponents, but the two backs were invincible. Then, three minutes from the close. Heppenstall, from quite 30 yards, took a pot shot at goal. The drive was a terrific one, and just beat Phillips at the bottom of the post.

The Denaby defence held out to the close, and the visitors when he came and obtained a couple of points that they were certainly not entitled to on the day’s play. For the victory, Denaby had to thank Welch and Lawler. Rev County. – Phillips, goal; Horton and Eaton, backs; our first Sherman and Miller, halfbacks; Hill, Darley, green, speight and Smith, forwards

Denaby. – Hancock goal; Welch and Lawley backs; Nimrod, Tomkins, and Sheldrake, halfback; Dyal, Brown, Heppenstall, and Eyre Forwards.