Denaby Utd – Scarborough 1 Denaby 2 – Denaby’s Double Shock for Scarborough

30 March 1928

Mexborough & Swinton Times, March 30, 1928.

Denaby’s Double
Shock for Scarborough

Scarborough 1 Denaby United 2

Denaby caused a surprise at Scarborough on Saturday and inflicted the second “home” league defeat on Scarborough. Denaby were the first to bring off a double again Scarborough this season. While they were fortunate to get both points on Saturday, they deserve them if only because once they held the lead they clung to it tenaciously.

A surprise goal in the first few minutes by KELLY from a corner kick enabled Denaby lead at the interval despite a hammering at their defence. A second goal scored by Kelly midway through the second half appeared to make the issue safe. Scarborough did not warm up to their work till the last 10 minutes. Then the Denaby defence was tested to the utmost. Twice Birch was beaten and the ball kicked off the goal line by a defender but until MARSHALL, from 15 yards, drove the ball into the net the defence seemed impregnable.

Birch’s daring gained Denaby the day and the rugged if unscientific tactics of Rogers and Taylor were effective. Scarboro’ were handicapped by having two regular halfbacks on the injured list and this caused alterations to the forward line. The team was peculiarly combined; Marshall, the back, recovered from an injury, was centre-forward, and the usual centre-forward, Lovatt, was outside-right and Wainwright, a winger, playing left half.    In addition, an injury lo Allison, inside-left, put him out of action in the second halt.           .

Denaby, somewhat brusque in their methods, played the game of keeping the ball well on the move. Long passes to the wings, and hefty clearances by halves and backs, were used successfully. Scarborough tried short passing on a ground totally unsuited to that style. The defence was none too sound, and the team generally played as though the twitch ot Boston last Thursday had left them tired. Kelly was a dashing and resourceful leader of the Dennby attack and kept his wings well supplied. Stevenson was always in the game. Ogley played a fine game as did up Clegg. Lovatt and Marshall were the pick of the Scarborough side.