South Yorkshire Times April 6, 1968
Not Below Fourth Place?
Selby Town 0 Denaby United 0
Denaby United have still a chance of winning the Yorkshire League but if they fail it will be through lack of goal-scoring power. Once again this was evident at Selby, where they took a point from a goalless draw.
The Denaby defence gave their usual creditable display while in comparison the Selby rearguard was often fortunate. The visiting forwards were responsible for dropping a point which they could have won so easily, and it is the difference between one and two points collected in their remaining eight matches which holds the key to success in Denaby’s first season of Division I soccer.
Solid Stuff
The football was good Yorkshire League material without the game reaching any great heights of excitement, but what excitement there was came from Denaby, particularly from B. Parker.
“A lot of the top clubs have to play each other and we can do it, I suppose,” manager Harry Lee told the “South Yorkshire Times.”
“We must he considered outsiders but I cannot see us being below fourth place. We just need the extra point, the difference between winning instead of drawing. I cannot see us losing more than one of our remaining matches, if that,” he added.