Denaby Vicar accepts New Living

August 1968

South Yorkshire Times August 31, 1968

Denaby Vicar accepts New Living

The Rev. R.S. Whitehead, Vicar of Denaby, told parishioners on Sunday that he had been offered and had accepted the living of Swine-fleet in the Deanery of Snaith.

He thinks he may be leaving the parish towards the end of the year because several repairs and improvements are to be made to the Vicarage at Swinefieet. A former Vicar, the Rev. A. V. Roebuck, left Denaby Main in 1956 also to become Vicar of Swinefleet.

Our Denaby correspondent writes, “The Rev. R. S. Whitehead came to Denaby in March, 1966, and this will be the shortest Vicariate the parish has experienced. It may be interesting to some of our older readers to recall the names of those who have served the parish as Vicar since the Church was dedicated.

The first Vicar was the Rev. Joseph Brookes, who served from 1900 to 1909, and there followed the Rev. S. F. Hawkes, 1909 to 1914, the Rev. H. B. Greeves, 1914 to 1919, the Rev. Harry Lee, 1919 to 1927, the Rev. S. Powley, 1927 to 1944, the Rev. Maurice Clarke, 1944 to 1949, Rev A E Roebuck 1949 to 1956, Rev. Fred Harrington 1957 to 1961, and the Rev. T. N. Evans, August 1961 to September 1965.