Sheffield Independent – Thursday 20 May 1909
Denaby Vicar’s Departure.
At the large hall, last night, the parishioners took a farewell the Rev. Joseph Brookes and Mrs. Brookes on their leaving for Cawood, Selby.
Mr. Brookes came to Denaby 13 years ago, and during his stay there the parish has been separated from Conisbro’, a church and vicarage have been built, and a burial ground provided. At last night’s gathering Mr. Dobbs presided over a large attendance.
During the evening Mr. Hutchinson, vicar’s warden, presented Mr. Brookes with a illuminated address, whilst Mr. Watson, the people’s warden, handed the Wear a silver egg cosy, salver, and set of spoons and forks, as gifts from the parishioners.
In addition to these a silver hot water jug was presented, on behalf of the Sunday school, by Miss Springthorpe. Miss Arch, the vicar’s sister-in law, who has worked in the parish for a short time, was the recipient of a silver-mounted toilette set in case from the Ladies’ Working Party, Mrs. Watson making the presentation.
After speeches had been delivered the Rev. W. A. Strawbridge (vicar of Conisbro’), Mr. Hadfield (representing Sunday teachers), Mr. Hoyle (representing choir), and Mr. Shaw (lay reader), the Rev. J. Brookes replied in impressive manner on behalf of himself, his wife and Miss Arch.
Combined with the farewell gathering were a social and sale of work in aid of the funds for fencing the site which the church stands. A concert was also given, the program including the sketch. “A Modem Cinderella.’’
Mr. Brookes leaves Denaby to-day