Denaby Wife Deserted

March 1907

Mexborough and Swinton Times March 2nd 1907

Denaby Wife Deserted

Elizabeth Cantwell, of Denaby, summoned her husband, John Edward, who is at present staying at Nottingham, for desertion. Both parties are very young.

The husband, a pit hand, went away to seek work nearly a year ago and had not written or sent money for some time, his whereabouts not being known. While he was away their child died, and as he had that day just started work he did not attend the funeral. Some trouble arose because the defendant’s father objected to the child being buried in his grave.

Catherine Colin, the complainant sister, said defendant went away leaving nothing in the house. Before he went away he used to leave her by herself at all times to go to dances.

The defence was that the husband arrangement with his wife. He went to Sutton, where he invited his wife to go and live with him, but she refused. The unpleasantness occurred only after he had left owing to the dispute about the child being buried in defendant’s father’s grave.

The magistrates granted a separation order with five shillings a week.