South Yorkshire Times December 14, 1968
Denaby’s “Drum” May Be Future Focal Point
For Young Sportsmen
The Denaby Main Hotel, which has been described as “South Yorkshire’s toughest pub” is to provide Denaby’s boxing youth with their own “square ring’ — as part of a new sports venture at the “Drum”.
An. old billiard room above the concert room which has been out of use for about 10 years. has now been converted into a sports centre for boxers, weightlifters and “keep fit” enthusiasts.
Two months ago, regulars approached the manager of the Hotel, Mr. Colin Wilcox, for permission to start a sports club. As a result, the old billiard room was re-wired for lighting and put into operation. A committee was formed, and the activities began. At present, boxing is run on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, and on Tuesdays and Thursdays, over 40 girls take part in ‘keep-fit” sessions run by Mr. Arnold Jones.
However, the boxing club is being held back by the absence of a ring, and so C.I.S.W.O. have been approached to lend a ring which was previously used for local tournaments and which now lies dormant at Denaby Colliery.
Over 50
Mr. Alan Ward a local amateur boxer who hopes to enter the A.B.A. competitions when they start in January is training over 50 youngsters each week, at the club.
“We are catering for people who youth clubs do not reach,’ said Mr. Wilcox, himself a former A.B.A. Northern and Midland Counties champion.
“You have a certain age group in Denaby, who cannot go anywhere, who can now come to the club. It is something they have needed for a long time.” He added: “It is going well up to now, but it is something which has got to build itself up. We need equipment, and at present we have not got a lot. The main thing we want is the ring.”
The club, which has no age limit (the youngest. person is about eight years old) is the brainchild of Mr. Fred Ward, of Scawsby Street, Denaby, who first made application for the use of the billiard room for a sports club.
Mr. Ken Manchester, who has been elected secretary, said: “I think it has every probability of being a really good club. Next year we should have some good lads to challenge other local organisations and youth clubs at sport.”
He added that the sports committee were planning to introduce judo and to expand the scope of the club when equipment has been obtained.