Denaby’s Lead.

April 1912

Sheffield Evening Telegraph – Tuesday 09 April 1912

Denaby’s Lead.

Eastertide has passed with few regrets. The weather was not all kindly disposed holiday makers, and the abnormal condition the industrial life of the district prevented the people from pursuing pleasure to the extent that obtained in past years.

The want of the.usual cheap railway travelling facilities, and the want, too of the cash essential for journeys further afield, compelled the colliers, the glassblowers and the other hardy sons of toil to make the best of their local environment, and extract what holiday enjoyment was possible from the immediate neighbourhood.

The Good Friday scenes annually forthcoming at Conisborough were again demonstrative of the popularity of the Castle Village as a holiday resort. People gathered there in thousands, but an onlooker could not but struck with the apparent aimlessness of their wanderings. The famous Conisborough Craggs, ’tis true, gave pleasing evidence of the arrival of spring, but the peeping primroses and the budding leaves seemed out of place amid the cold and boisterous wind, which choked the song of the birds.

Everybody and everything seemed depressed with the shadow of the strike. In the circumstances Easter was not welcomed for Easter’s sake, but was simply looked forward to in the hope that it would bring the disastrous industrial war to a close.